As individuals and as societies, happiness is both our highest goal and an extremely effective means of achieving many of our other cherished goals. Both as individuals and as a planet, happiness is our ultimate reason for living.
At World of Venuz we believe in being happy can miraculously contribute to a healthy mind and a body.
The researches have confirmed that a happy mind is the pathway to a happy and a healthy individual. So we make sure that we guide our fellow members towards discovering a happy and a healthy mind-body balance.
We provide mindfulness training as a one of the 3 major parts of our Venuz concept.
Extensive research have proven that meditation has tremendous effects slowing down the ageing process and slows skin aging, reduces wrinkles, & more.
A commonly used proxy for cellular ageing is the length of telomeres, the DNA and protein caps that protect the ends of each chromosome during cell division. These shorten slightly every time the chromosome replicates, until eventually the cell can no longer divide, becoming senescent or undergoing “apoptosis” – the cellular equivalent of suicide.
Having shorter telomeres in your cells is associated with the onset of many age-related diseases, and ageing faster.
Several lifestyle factors have been found to accelerate telomere shortening, such as poor diet, lack of sleep, smoking, drinking and a sedentary lifestyle and a major fact is chronic inflammation which leads to oxidative stress.
Meditation is proved to be increasing the activity of an enzyme called telomerase, which rebuilds telomeres. It was found that it increased the activity of the gene that makes telomerase and reducing the activity of genes involved in inflammatory and stress responses.
Of course, a little bit is both natural and necessary. Chronic inflammation, however, can make us age faster than an undercover mafia detective.
Inflammatory process induces oxidative stress and reduces cellular antioxidant capacity. Overproduced free radicals react with cell membrane fatty acids and proteins impairing their function permanently. In addition, free radicals can lead to mutation and DNA damage that can be a predisposing factor for cancer and age-related disorders.
For those of us who want to age gracefully, when chronic inflammation lingers in our body’s biggest organ, our skin, it can make our outermost layer look like Babe Ruth’s baseball mitt. Wrinkles, sagging, loss of skin tone, pigmentation changes, the whole works.
What’s the biggest cause? While chronic inflammation can be traced to processed sugar, lack of sleep, poor diet, environmental toxins, second hand smoke, UV light (sun) — stress is the human body’s most wanted arsonist because it’s so potent and affects us 24/7/365.
So, meditation’s magic ability to, like fairy dust, restore our aging skin to pristine perfection is because the ancient practice makes us highly resilient to stress.
Non-stop stress mode shifts our brain’s fear centre amygdala into overdrive, which then signals our adrenal glands to pump out ruthless stress hormones like cortisol.
As the major fact of all age accelerating biochemicals, too much cortisol in our system can suppress immunity, raise blood pressure, tank libido, contribute to obesity, and much more.
In a wide range of studies, including one at UC-Davis (2013) and Rutgers University, meditation has been shown to drop cortisol levels to 50%!
A 2013 Harvard University study showed that mindfulness and meditation can diminish the amount of stress-damaged chromosomes responsible for premature aging, essentially putting a pause on appearing and feeling old.
In 2013, researchers from UCLA (Black et al) had 45 family dementia caregivers practice meditation for 8 weeks, with unexpected yet amazing skin rejuvenating results.
Backed by 117,000 peer reviewed scientific studies, meditation has been shown to boost ‘glutathione’ (GSH), the Huffington Post anointed “mother of all antioxidants.
So with all this in hand and the evidence Dr Rowland herself has found out through her extensive experience being a meditation practitioner for the last 30 years , we offer our members the key to slow ageing, health, and Happiness.
Dr Rowland is also being trained at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre of University of Oxford as a mindfulness teacher.
It’s amazing what sitting still with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath can do for your cells.